Monday, November 2, 2009

One of those days

I am having one of those days, where everything seems to be fine and then boom!!! shit happens. But whatever, just thought I'd write that and clear my mind. You know what...I just can't wait to leave and go for my vaca, maybe when I get back from vacation things will start to look up. Time to grow up!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How do vacuum stores stay open?

Seriously folks, how the hell do vacuum stores seem to stay open? I think one or two in the city should be enough, let alone the bigger stores like Canadian Tire and Sears, there's also Wal-Mart and Zellers. Do we really need the smaller stores? Does everyone in the whole city need a vacuum? Do people even vacuum anymore? Like seriously, how do vacuum stores seem to stay open???

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm Glad you're not emo weird.

So yesterday, I was driving back from safeway and had to go through the malls parking lot, I was stuck at the crosswalk as it was busy because of the Bomber Game. I looked to my left and saw a bunch of emo kids, I was like...that's some weird looking kids, I mean to each his/her own but just weird. I got back to the store and proceeded to look for my friend Lauren and told her that I was glad she wasn't emo weird...she's a different kind of weird and good weird, creative weird but not emo weird. (sorry Lauren. :D ) Fast track to this morning (sunday), I was at 7-11 for my usual sunday morning coffee and paper walk...I was at the coffee section and these two guys, looked normal, were talking about halloween and stuff. went on the other side and they were goth-emo weird...with the pants and chains and I said to each his/her own.. but weird. So I'm glad you're not emo weird.